Hello everyone. My whole life I felt like I had been searching for a way to share my experiences and what I learned from them, with as many people as I can, especially people around my age that might be able to benefit from the general things that I have had to figure out, in my transition from childhood, to teenager years, to adulthood, and in that time taking on many challenges and going to many lifestyle changes. This thing – blogging – is new for me; I enjoy writing I always have and I could never fit in using writing to create something that had any value to anybody. I used to write the start of novels or short stories, and some, I finished but wasn’t happy enough or wasn’t ready to take the necessary steps to share it with the world. Instead, I would either save those ideas for something that I needed to use, for say, a creative writing class, or they would sit in Google Docs on my laptop and not go anywhere. Partially, because I didn’t feel as if I was sharing important, valuable information, I was sharing things that I conjured up in my brain that were make-believe. Instead, I decided to create this… finally. This blog is an outlet for all of the things that I experience that I feel like would benefit others. It is a place of sharing my knowledge in a world of misconceptions. Simply my goal every day, and something that I encourage others to do is to always be trying to improve themselves – trying to find a purpose whether it be small or large. So that is why I am here to share my purpose and to help others look for and achieve theirs.
This is my first time doing this. Leave feedback comments I would love to hear from people that is why I decided to do this. Peace, God bless – Alexis